Find Your Purpose in Christ

Discover God's plan for your life and how to Fund it

through a Marketplace Ministry - Buy Now

For Christians a primary question after committing their life to Christ is "What is my God given purpose and how can I best server Christ and the Kingdom"? In this book, Mark Dunnett outlines 10 simple exercises from a Christian Worldview, to clarify your Christian definition of success, defining your Priorities and Goals and become the person you are meant to be.

The book explains how a Marketplace Ministry can be the vehicle to fund your purpose and act as a way to connect Christians to Not-Yet-Christians by providing a service that they value, allowing natural relationship based evangelism to take place.

Learn the definition of a Marketplace Ministry, different methods to establish a Marketplace Ministry and a step by step process to providing a desirable service to others. Through examples of Marketplace Ministry learn how you can participate in the Kingdom mission and become part of Christ's solution for the world.

Get the A4 size workbook to record your current thoughts and particpate in a Marketplace Ministry Workshop